Where education and method are integrated for a holistic treatment
Health & Safety
What you should you keep In mind when booking a massage, anywhere.
If you have ever worked in a service industry, then you know there is push and PRESSURE to stay 100% booked, at all costs.
I have never agreed with this, and I've had many questions and concerns over the years that went unanswered or deliberately ignored.
My priority is to provide safe and effective treatments, within my scope of practice.
I do my best to learn and understand how the body works, and to keep up with advances of western medicine, but I am not your treating doctor and I must follow your doctors guidelines.
Before you book a massage with Dynamic Massage or any other bodywork practitioner, read the below, it is for your safety and wellbeing.
Keep in mind most doctors do not have an understanding of the medical modalities of massage, so they may think a relaxing swedish massage is ok, not aware that you typically get cupping or visceral manipulation or myofascial release, or stretching etc
Get your doctors release and approval for bodywork, after any procedure, including;
Eyes, Ears, Nose - Laying face down may put too much pressure on these areas while you heal. The shoulders and neck have muscles and connective tissue that reach to the head and face
Orthopedic - this covers the musculoskeletal system (muscles and bones). There may be range of motion restrictions, etc
Exploratory - If there was an incision, no matter how small, even laparoscopic. One laparoscopic incision creates scar tissue that extends beyond the incision site and even deep into the body
Implanted devices - anywhere, for any reason. I do not want to interfere with the function, safety and effectiveness of these devices. This holds true for all things you weren't born with, that are currently part of you
Injections - elective or medically needed. Whether just 1 time, or daily. Ask your doctor how many days you need to wait. I've NEVER heard of a doctor saying go ahead get a massage in less than 4 days after any injection
Dental work - root canals, cavities, tooth extraction, gum procedures....these csn/do require incisions and maybe sutures etc. They also create swelling and tenderness.
If you are on a medication for blood or lymph circulation or are under a doctors care specific to blood or lymph circulation
I hope you found this helpful and feel more prepared to care for yourself going forward!
We influence each others health through breath & skin
The body removes toxins mainly through our breath, skin and restroom breaks.
During a massage we are in contact with each others breath and skin.
Cold, Flu and Everything Else
Be as concerned with others health as you are with your own.
If you are sick or recovering from illness, please do not come in for massage.
I have had many considerate clients reach out to me if they were not feeling well, and together we decided what would be best for both of us.
I agree not to work if I am sick or recovering, so as not to negatively influence your health.
Vaccines, Boosters & Topical Medications
The body removes toxins, and anything else it does not recognize, mainly through our breath, skin and restroom breaks.
During a massage we are in contact with each others breath and skin.
Do NOT schedule with Dynamic Massage if you had ANY vaccine or booster, within 2 weeks prior to your appointment.
covid, flu, hepatitis, shingles, etc.
I respect everyones freedom of medical choice.
At this time in my life, I choose not to get any vaccines.
If everyone is getting vaccines and boosters all year long, that’s alot of pharmaceuticals I’m exposed to while I work all week.
So, please respect my policy of a 2 week wait period after vaccines/boosters.
This is also for your safety - there are potential side effects with everything we eat, drink, ingest, and inject.
Massage can influence circulation and if your body is having a hard time processing something, it is wise to wait.
Topical Medications & CBD Creams
These are becoming more common for hormone therapy, pain, skin and eye conditions, headaches and more.
Keep in mind these are considered medications and so precautions must be followed.
Do not schedule a massage with less than 5 hours after you apply your topical medication and/or CBD cream.
Always consult with your doctor regarding precautions